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'Tis the season!

It's Christmas!

I love this time of year. It's time for hunkering down, hot chocolates and wrapping up warm. The time of friends, family and reflection on the past year.

I've not posted on my blog for a while - I've been busy sorting out my website,

working on my social media and, of course, seeing patients!

I would say I'd make it a New Year's resolution to make my posting a bit more of a regular but who knows what 2017 will bring!

I thought I'd take the chance with this blog to reflect a little on how my business has changed over the year (and hopefully spread some Christmas cheer with the funny dog photo).

This time last year I was only a few months into my business, not long out of uni and being an Osteopath out there in the big wide world was still daunting. My accounts for my business weren't matching up like I'd thought, sorting out my records for tax purposes was frustrating in the extreme and I wasn't getting the influx of patients I naively thought might happen.

Everybody kept telling me to "be patient", "it will all come together", "word of mouth is slow to start" and "marketing in this line of work only goes so far". Still, it's one thing everyone telling you and another to actually believe it.

Fast forward to present day and I've got patients in each week, I've got bookings into next year, I've got my accounts sorted, I've got a group of Osteopaths as a support network and I love my job. There are exciting plans for the Haslemere practice and I have the chance to help build a unique and successful clinic.

There are still days when I get despondent, especially now I've moved out it's hard to have the quiet week with fewer patients BUT I am so thankful that I can now look back and see a tangible improvement. Patients still contact me when there's a bit of a slump and it's so gratifying to know that, despite the slow and steady nature, things really are coming together.

On that note, I look forward to seeing what 2017 will bring and hope that this time next year I can look back again and see more improvements!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everybody!

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